Primary Section
Primary Classes: Std. I to Std. V
DFS believes that while Evaluation is necessary, Examinations are not. In keeping with this philosophy there are no examinations at the Primary level. Day-to-day assessments coupled with oral work and project work help in removing any stress that may be associated with schooling.
Emphasis is laid on Speaking and Communication skills and parents are invited to see what their children have learnt on a regular basis. Open Days help parents interact with their child’s teachers to ascertain what their child’s strengths and challenges are.
The subjects at the Primary level (1 – 5) are English, Hindi Marathi (3rd Language). Mathematics, Environmental Studies General Knowledge, Computer Studies, Art, Craft, Music & Movement, and Physical Education.
In classes IV and V children have History, Geography, and Science as separate subjects.
Reports are based on the sum total of the child’s performance over the entire year. These are in the form of Grades which are self-explanatory.